
MyCredit aggregates information from multiple registers or sources. It provides a basic overview from CIBR and NBCIR registers, details from REPI register, data from the Insolvency Register, and information from the Central Register of Distrains. It serves as a means to demonstrate your credibility. Please be aware that it does not contain complete data from CIBR and NBCIR registers, nor does it include repayment history.

You will find details on your total repayments, the number of current open contracts, whether you are in insolvency, and if you have any distrains.

Price 100 CZK/report

Ways you can get MyCredit

Details and options

100 CZK report

0 CZK processing

0 CZK delivery

MyCredit is available to you immediately in PDF format. Payment is made by credit card. Identification is done using 

100 CZK Add to cart

Details and options

200 CZK report

150 CZK processing

123 CZK delivery

The MyCredit ordered by mail can be paid for online by card or sent cash on delivery (+ 26 CZK). The shipment is delivered by registered mail directly into the hands of the recipient.


Starting from 473 CZK Add to cart

Details and options

100 CZK report

150 CZK processing

13 CZK delivery

The MyCredit ordered through a data box is only sent to the data box of the applicant for the report, which serves as a unique identifier of the recipient.

263 CZK Add to cart

Details and options

100 CZK report

150 CZK processing

0 CZK delivery

We only accept electronically signed applications using a secure electronic signature with a certificate issued by a qualified certification service provider.

250 CZK Add to cart

Do you need to prove your credibility?

Do you need to convince a new employer or property landlord that you are a trustworthy individual? Don't hesitate, and get an overview from multiple sources on a single sheet. Where do the data on MyCredit come from?

  • basic data from BRKI and NRKI + final assessment
  • basic data from REPI register
  • basic overview of distrains from the Central Registry of Distrains
  • data from the Insolvency Register and basic information about business activities

Prove to your surroundings that you are a trustworthy partner!

MyCredit – Questions and Answers

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the MyCredit. For more detailed information, please refer to our FAQ section.

What is the difference between MyCredit and the Joint report CIBR/NBCIR?

MyCredit contains only select data from the CIBR/NBCIR and REPI registers. If you require a detailed overview of all contracts, including their repayment information, it's necessary to request a Joint Statement from the registers. This includes details of all contracts, including historical ones, credit ratings along with a comparison to debtors from the same region, and a comparison against your age group. The Joint Statement from CIBR/NBCIR is a valuable tool for building a positive credit history. We recommend checking it four times a year. This helps prevent potential issues with identity theft. Having an overview means the ability to make informed decisions. At the same time, you'll find out whether you 'have what it takes' to take on more debt.

What is MyCredit used for?

MyCredit is useful when you need to demonstrate your credibility. You can present it to your employer or property landlord. Based on the concise certificate on a single sheet, they can ascertain whether you are a trustworthy partner and make a more informed decision about whether to collaborate with you. A favorable certificate usually translates to better terms.

From which sources does the MyCredit draw information?

MyCredit is sourced from multiple channels. In addition to data from the credit registers CIBR/NBCIR, it draws information from the REPI registry. It also includes data from the Central Distrain Register. The header contains personal information of the applicant. Furthermore, it indicates whether the applicant has a record in the insolvency register, verifies the validity of the applicant's ID, and whether the person is or isn't a statutory representative or self-employed.

From the CIBR/NBCIR registers, it only contains summarized information. For detailed repayment information, it is necessary to request a joint statement from the registers. It provides the total monthly installment, the number of open contracts in the registers, the outstanding amount overdue, and information on the maximum owed amount. It also includes the user's credit rating.

From the REPI register, it includes details about the number of contracts, overdue amounts, or the number of terminated contracts with outstanding debt. If a person is not listed in the REPI register, this information is stated on the statement, indicating that the applicant has no loans with companies that are members of REPI. Following this are brief summaries from the Central Execution Register – total number of executions, obligated person, update date, and execution number

Where does the data come from?

Czech Banking Credit Bureau (CIBR)

Contains some data from banks and building societies that are members of the registry.

Czech Non-Banking Credit Bureau (NBCIR)

Contains some data from non-banking companies that are members of the registry.

Register of Payment Information (REPI)

Contains some data from Registry of Payment Information.

Central evidence of Distrains 

Contains data included in Central evidence of Distrains.

Insolvency Register

Contains data in Insolvency register.

Others public sources

Document validity check, records of trade licenses, etc.